Find out more about saying goodbye to your dog.

When is it time to say goodbye?

The decision is never easy.

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Hospice and palliative care

Is it right for your pet?

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A gray cat laying in grass. Oil painting.

Ideas for memorializing a pet

Let your pet’s memory live on. View the list 

A woman nuzzling her senior golden retriever.

What to know about euthanasia

Here’s what to expect. Obtener los detalles

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A:Euthanasia is essentially a pain-free and often peaceful process. We follow guidelines that are intended to minimize your pet’s pain, discomfort, and anxiety.

If your dog is facing a life-threatening emergency, please get them to an emergency vet as soon as possible.

If your dog is facing symptoms of illness or injury, you’ll need to discuss this with your vet. There are options when it comes to pain management that include diet changes, physical therapy exercises, and medication. Your vet will take into account your pet’s history and current condition when recommending the best way to make them comfortable.

A:This can be a very difficult decision and it’s best to involve your vet. While they won’t make the decision for you, they’ll discuss signs it’s time to say goodbye and what options you have. It's also important to consider your family’s ability to provide care (and possibly treatment) for your dog.
A:Euthanasia is typically a very quick process. The dog will receive a sedative followed by an injection that will put them into a quiet, deep unconsciousness before passing away.
A:Yes, Banfield does euthanasia. Talk to your local veterinary team for more details.
A:There’s no right or wrong way to honor a dog. A few ideas include creating a song, poem, or collage, filling up a scrapbook, or making a donation in their name.
A:There are a number of ways to hold onto your beloved pet’s collar. You can frame it or place it in a keepsake box. You can turn the collar and/or tags into a piece of jewelry for yourself. Do whatever feels the most meaningful for you.
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